6 October 2024

European Carers Day 2024: Advocating for rights, recognition, and support

European Carers Day is an initiative from EuroCarers, celebrated annually on October 6th, which shines a light on the millions of unpaid carers across Europe who dedicate their time and energy to supporting loved ones in need. This year’s theme highlights the important role carers play in society, advocating for their recognition, rights, and the support they deserve. Carers often face significant challenges, including financial strain, social isolation, and emotional burnout, as they juggle caregiving with other responsibilities.

Across Europe, over 100 million people provide unpaid care to family members or friends with chronic illness, disability, or age-related conditions. These carers are the backbone of our health and social care systems, offering essential support that enhances the quality of life for those they care for. However, their contributions often go unnoticed, and they lack sufficient resources, financial aid, and respite care.

The Bladder Cancer Patient & Carer Experience Survey found that 91% of carers feel emotionally stressed while caring for someone, and over half struggle to get the support they need. It also showed that providing emotional support is the hardest part of caregiving for 49% of carers, emphasising the need for better resources and recognition. Carers of bladder cancer patients face unique challenges due to the complexity of the disease and its impact on their loved ones’ health and well-being.

This year’s European Carers Day calls for increased awareness and inclusive policies that recognise and support carers in their invaluable role. By raising awareness and advocating for better conditions, we can create an environment where carers feel appreciated, supported, and empowered. Ensuring access to proper resources, flexible working arrangements, mental health support, and financial aid is crucial to enable them to continue their caregiving roles without sacrificing their own well-being.

We encourage everyone to take part in recognising the contributions of carers on this day. Whether through organising events, sharing stories, or supporting local organisations that aid carers, there are numerous ways to show appreciation for their tireless efforts.

To learn more about how you can get involved and support carers in your community, visit the European Carers Day page.

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