23 April 2024 .Brussels , Belgium

Bladder Cancer Awareness Month in May and why it is important

Why is Bladder Cancer Awareness Month important?

 Bladder cancer is more common than many realise. Every year, over 610,000 people are diagnosed with bladder cancer around the world, and more than 1.9 million people are living with and beyond bladder cancer. Bladder cancer is the 9th most commonly diagnosed cancer and the 13th cause of death from cancer globally. Yet, for many patients who receive this diagnosis, it is the very first time that they learn of bladder cancer or its symptoms.

Knowing bladder cancer symptoms and when to act on them, can save lives.

That’s why Bladder Cancer Awareness Month in May is so important. It helps to raise awareness of the disease, bring attention to bladder cancer’s impact around the world and in local communities and help reach those who may be unsure about the symptoms they are experiencing.

Bladder Cancer Awareness Month, or BCAM,  also provides a platform for people affected by bladder cancer to connect with each other, share their stories and show support for each other – creating a global sense of community across borders and at home.

How are we raising awareness this May?

Every year, we do not just mark Bladder Cancer (Awareness) Day, the whole month of May our community joins together to raise bladder cancer awareness.

This year, the campaign theme “Feeling Unsure? Get Checked” aims to spark conversations that raise awareness about bladder cancer by highlighting the symptoms of bladder cancer and overcoming any barriers to seeking medical advice.

One of the obstacles to timely diagnosis of bladder cancer is related to the symptoms. Both symptoms and how people respond to them can vary, especially as some of the symptoms are not immediately seen as linked to bladder cancer. The discovery of blood in the urine, painful urination, and irregular urination can all be mistaken for other conditions, causing bladder cancer to be overlooked.

Online and offline, we are all taking part to raise awareness and you can do too.

How to participate in Bladder Cancer Awareness Month?

What can you do to help raise bladder cancer awareness? Throughout the month of May, we will provide support, free-to-download resources, and share key information about bladder cancer on our social media channels.

We invite you to join us and to:

By taking part in Bladder Cancer Awareness Month you become part of a worldwide effort to bring more awareness to bladder cancer, its symptoms and its impact. Your participation helps spread knowledge and compassion, which are vital in raising our collective voices for those affected by bladder cancer. Whether it’s through engaging on social media, participating in community discussions, or personal advocacy, your actions play an essential role in increasing awareness and supporting those affected by bladder cancer.

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