16 May 2022 .Brussels , Belgium

We want to hear your embarrassing affirmations!

This May for Bladder Cancer Awareness Month, we invite all of you to overcome the feeling of embarrassment in our lives through affirmations whilst helping raise awareness about bladder cancer symptoms.

Bladder Cancer is the 10th most commonly diagnosed cancer. A timely diagnosis significantly increases the chance of long-term survival and quality of life. Blood in the urine is the most important warning sign of bladder cancer to watch out for. What we are embarrassed about is often harmless. But some things, like the symptoms of bladder cancer, might not be.

We invite you to share an embarrassing moment here for a chance to win some prizes too. The embarrassing affirmations are fun, relatable statements that provoke an embarrassing reaction when said aloud. They could be anything from scenarios brought about because of the ‘new normal’, owning up to guilty pleasures or vain admissions, and even the bizarre. Say it. Own it. Overcome it.

We are very grateful for those who have already shared their embarrassing affirmations from across the world and we are glad to be sharing some with you in this article and across our social media channels.

Use the following hashtags across your social media platforms: #DontGoRed #BladderCancerMonth22 and if you do not already, follow us on:

Learn more about our campaign and about how to get involved during Bladder Cancer Awareness Month here

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at info@worldbladdercancer.org 


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