Learning about bladder cancer

For many, it is quite normal to know very little about bladder cancer until it comes into your life. We understand that it can be quite overwhelming to receive stacks of information at once upon receiving a diagnosis, or to perform a google search trying to find the information that you need. We’ve kept this in mind and have designed the information on this page to give you a brief overview of the relevant information that we believe everyone should know about the disease.

Whether it is for yourself, a family member or a friend, we hope that this information provides you with a better understanding of bladder cancer and gives you the confidence to navigate the disease. On this page you will find all the basics you need to know about bladder cancer, and guidance on where to find more information.

First time bladder cancer patient receiving patient information

Women and bladder cancer

One in four bladder cancer patients are women, yet their stories often go unheard.

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What is Bladder Cancer?

An outline of the facts about bladder cancer.

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Newly Diagnosed

An outline of the basic facts about bladder cancer.

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Symptoms & risk factors

Understanding the symptoms to look out for and the risk factors to reduce exposure to is essential.

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Patient Support

Are you looking for further information or support? As a first step, you should always check with your medical team. However, sometimes you may wish to learn more about bladder cancer, or speak to someone who has been through this before. We’re here to help guide you in the right direction – and ensure that your information and support needs are met.

Are you a patient from Ukraine and are looking for additional information? We have created a page and compiled a list of resources and organisations that people affected by bladder cancer can use. Click here for more information.


Women and bladder cancer

Bladder cancer patient stories

Support community

Toolkits & Resources

We strive to develop a range of resources available for patients and caregivers to help understand bladder cancer and the care pathway. These have been developed by us in collaboration with our members and partners. 

Download resources

Are you looking for downloadable resources with bladder cancer information for patients? Infographie – Stigmatisation : la face invisible du cancer de la vessie Global bladder cancer impact Cancro alla vescica: guida del paziente View all Resources

Get Involved

We are always looking to partner and connect with like-minded organisations. Whether you’re looking to become a member, start a patient group in your country, or donate your time and experience to support our work - there are a number of different ways you can get involved.