Get involved

The World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition was founded based on the idea of collaboration on a global scale, and we are always looking to partner and connect with likeminded organisations. Whether you’re looking to become a member, start a patient group in your country, or donate your time and experience to support our work – there are a number of different ways you can get involved. 

We currently work together with 14 different cancer patient organisations from around the world as part of our membership and/or affiliates. If you represent a patient advocacy group or are at the front lines of patient care and would like to join us in our global community of dedicated bladder cancer patient advocates, we encourage you to get in touch. We would love to welcome you to our global community – together we can make a much greater difference than working alone!

Our vision is that one day, there will be a national bladder cancer patient organisation established in every country. It is an ambitious plan and it is people like you who can help make that happen! If you are interested in starting a local patient organisation, we have the people and resources to support you. We encourage you to get in touch with us, so we can get to know each other and find ways to collaborate, exchange knowledge and for your organisation to join our international coalition. We’ve also created a “start-up guide” for bladder cancer groups, filled with best-practice examples and lessons learned from other patient groups, to support you on your journey.

Sharing patient stories is common across cancer care and serves as a powerful tool to raise awareness about the disease and to shed light on the patient experience. Patient stories have shown to positively influence healthcare system transformation over the years, and are a catalyst for more patient-centred care.

We need more people like you to help make an impact in our mission. Share your personal bladder cancer journey to support and inspire others. Donate your time and professional skills to help us drive our work forward. Whether you’re looking to volunteer once, for a few hours per month, or you want to get involved in an even bigger way, we have a need that you can fulfil.

Raising awareness about bladder cancer is key to bringing attention to the issues that bladder cancer patients and their families face, and to help save, and improve the lives of those affected by the disease. Each year in May, we recognise World Bladder Cancer Awareness Month. We are always looking for more people to get involved, join our activities, or help to organise events/activities. If you wish to get involved, we would love to hear from you!

Although May is the designated awareness month, it is still important that we continue elevating the conversations worldwide throughout the rest of the year, and we encourage you to do so too! We would love to partner with you on any activities you are planning to host to bring awareness to the disease.

If you are looking to organise an event or activity in your country, get in touch with our member organisation nearest to you for support. If there isn’t one in your country or region, check out our resources section for useful materials and information. Why not consider setting-up a bladder cancer patient group in your country?

We greatly encourage the efforts of volunteers or workplaces who would like to organise a fundraiser with proceeds benefiting our charitable mission. Every bit helps, both small and large. Funds raised can go to support our work, or a local bladder cancer patient organisation in your country.

Rest assured, we’re here to help along the way with planning! Please be sure to contact us well in advance before you start making plans, and we can provide you with the necessary advice and support to make sure your fundraiser is a success.

Sponsor us

Our work would be impossible without the support of corporate grants and sponsorships. Please consider supporting us as we work towards fostering a strong international community of people affected by bladder cancer.