WBCPC President Dr Lydia Makaroff joins the EAU Patient Office Board
Today, the World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition is delighted to announce that our president, Dr Lydia Makaroff has become a new member of the European Association of Urology Patient Office Board. Her role and mission as a member of the Patient Office will revolve around fostering collaborations between the EAUPatient Office and the European Patient Advisory Group (ePAG), ensuring that patients remain at the centre of all activities and decisions.
The European Association of Urology (EAU) represents the leading authority within Europe on urological practice, research and education. The mission of the EAU is to raise the level of urological care in Europe, and for many years this has been done through educational and scientific programmers aimed at urologists.
The EAU aims at reaching out to urological patients, empowering them as allies to further enhance the quality of their care, raise patient awareness, educate urologists and patients, and demonstrate cost-effectiveness.
EAU Patient Office was established to better involve patients and their families in the EAU’s mission of raising the level of urological care in Europe.
«I am honoured to be invited to join the European Association of Urology Patient Office as a Board Member. The European Association of Urology has made great strides to more actively involve patient representatives in their work. My main focus within the Patient Office Board will be to foster collaborations between the Patient Office and the European Patient Advisory Group, and to ensure that patients remain at the centre of all activities and decisions.
Dr Lydia Makaroff, President of the World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition
Learn more about EAU Patient Information Office Board via https://patients.uroweb.org/eau-patient-office/