29 August 2024 .Toronto , Canada
EVENTS, Raising Awareness

Global Cancer Coalitions Network Annual Meeting

The World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition (WBCPC) was proud to take part in the Global Cancer Coalitions Network (GCCN) Annual Meeting in Toronto, Canada, on August 28-29, 2024. WBCPC joined GCCN in 2020, with our Executive Director Alex Filicevas currently Co-Chairing the initiative. This annual event brought together leading cancer patient advocacy coalitions from around the world to explore ways to collaborate and share expertise to improve patient outcomes and strengthen advocacy efforts globally.

Our Executive Director co-chaired discussions alongside leaders from the International Kidney Cancer Coalition (IKCC), World Ovarian Cancer Coalition, Global Colon Cancer Association, and Lymphoma Coalitionand more. You can view all members of the GCCN website.

The meeting provided a valuable platform to explore practical approaches to overcoming the global challenges in cancer care. The commitment of 9 member organisations of the Global Cancer Coalition’s Network highlights the keen interest to collaborate, share best practices and take on joint initiatives towards our joint objectives.

GCCN serves as a vital platform, bringing together diverse cancer advocacy groups to unite their efforts, share knowledge, and develop strategies that address the complex challenges faced by cancer patients worldwide. Through this collaboration, the network aims to strengthen advocacy, support local groups, and ultimately improve the quality of care and outcomes for all those affected by cancer.

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