26 August 2022. Engaging in Advocacy, NEWS

WBCPC Executive Director Alex Filicevas nominated candidate for UICC’s Board of Directors

We are thrilled to share that Alex Filicevas was nominated as candidate for the elections of the Board of Directors for the Union for International Cancer Control.

I would be honoured to bring my patient advocacy and multi-stakeholder collaboration experience to the UICC Board of Directors, representing World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition and offering patient community perspective in the strategic direction of the organisation. I believe the foundation of successful advocacy and change is strong local organisations. I would like to ensure that extensive capacity building offering of UICC continues to grow, by listening and responding to member’s needs.
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22 August 2022. Building Community, NEWS

Setting up an online support forum for people affected by bladder cancer 

Lydia Makaroff, President of the World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition and Chief Executive Officer of Fight Bladder Cancer UK, highlights the importance of setting up an online support forum for people affected by bladder cancer

The group slowly grew from 40, to 400, to almost 5000 members. Now we have a team of 10 moderators from around the world who monitor the pages and provide support to everyone who posts
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18 August 2022. Engaging in Advocacy, EVENTS

European Cancer Summit 2022 –November 16/17 in Brussels

Benefit from a discounted registration to European Cancer Summit 2022 and join leaders in oncology about how to make cancer in Europe more efficient, effective and equitable.

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5 August 2022. Engaging in Advocacy, NEWS, Raising Awareness

New Bladder cancer infographic 2022 now available

Check out our latest infographic featuring latest global bladder cancer data, including signs & symptoms to help you raise awareness in your community.

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24 July 2022. Building Community, NEWS

Organising an annual bladder cancer walk in Canada

Ken Bagshaw, Founding President of the World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition and Board Member of Bladder Cancer Canada, shares the initiative of an annual country-wide awareness-raising walk for bladder cancer patients in Canada.

Today, there are 20 walk sites in different cities across Canada and each year we raise nearly $600,000 to fund our activities.
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20 July 2022. Building Community, NEWS, Raising Awareness

Real bladder cancer patient stories illustrate their journey

Patients, survivors and caregivers share their personal bladder cancer journeys to highlight the impact of bladder cancer and the need for greater awareness.

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12 July 2022. Engaging in Advocacy, NEWS

World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition welcomes the new term of the Board of Directors

We are delighted to announce the renewed terms of the WBCPC Board of Directors from 2022 through 2025.

I am delighted about the continuity our new Board of Directors ensures and their trust in me as the President. It has been an honour to work alongside these committed advocates since 2019, and I look forward to the next three years as we focus on supporting the establishment and growth of bladder cancer patient groups.
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4 July 2022. Engaging in Advocacy, EVENTS

EAU Patient Day session on bladder cancer

WBCPC community leads the bladder cancer session on EAU Patient Day at the European Association of Urology Congress 2022.

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4 July 2022. Engaging in Advocacy, NEWS

Bladder Cancer Special Interest Group: The importance of the patient voice

The European Association of Urology Nurses invited WBCPC to showcase how bladder cancer patient voice can help drive improvements in their care.

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23 June 2022. Building Community, NEWS

Creation of a poster to raise awareness about bladder cancer signs and symptoms in France

Lori Cirefice Board of Directors for the World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition, and Patient Coalition Delegate with Cancer Vessie France – Les Zuros shares the development of an awareness poster about the sign and symptoms of bladder cancer:

Creating the awareness-raising poster was a great learning experience for us. In the end, we were very satisfied with the visual impact of the poster, and our social media campaign was a great success.
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