News & Events

Advocating for change: Fight Bladder Cancer’s impact journey to UK parliament
Fight Bladder Cancer aimed to shed light on the struggles faced by bladder cancer patients, promote early detection and advanced treatments, and advocate for increased support and funding in research and patient care within the parliamentary agenda.

Stacey’s bladder cancer journey
Stacey shares her bladder cancer journey, which highlights the impact of bladder cancer and the need for greater awareness around the world.

Bladder Cancer Canada Launches 12in1 League program to honour monthly donors
Bladder Cancer Canada has introduced 12in1 League, a unique program to celebrate the dedication of their monthly donors. By joining, you can make a profound difference and support bladder cancer patients in their journey.

Challenging uncertainty: The “Unsure Icon” sparks conversations about bladder cancer

Empowering Cancer Patients: Fika-Phila project eases transport barrier to treatment
Campaigning for Cancer teamed up with the app based Siyaphambili Cashless Taxi Association and Uber to facilitate access to vital medical facilities and cancer treatment centers across South Africa.
July newsletter is out!
Read our July newsletter and discover the latest news from the bladder cancer community around the world!

Carole’s bladder cancer journey
Carole shares her bladder cancer journey, which highlights the impact of bladder cancer and the need for greater awareness around the world.

WBCPC Annual Report 2022 – Now available
Explore the WBCPC Annual Report showcasing our activities and impact throughout 2022

Capacity building session: Paving the way with awareness walks
The latest session in our Capacity Building series highlighted awareness walks, showcasing case studies and sharing practical insights for staging impactful events.

June newsletter is out!
Read our June newsletter and discover the latest news from the bladder cancer community around the world!