Bladder cancer awareness month

Bladder Cancer. These two words deliver a devastating impact. Every year, over 610,000 people are diagnosed with bladder cancer, and 1.9m people find themselves living with the condition. It is the 9th most commonly diagnosed cancer and the 13th cause of death from cancer globally. But, a timely diagnosis significantly increases the chance of long-term survival and quality of life.

Blood in the urine is the most important warning sign of bladder cancer to watch out for.

Yet bladder cancer is the forgotten cancer and what many don’t know is early diagnosis offers people a higher chance of successful treatment and long-term survival. We need to get people talking about this important statistic and we need them to share this fact. World Bladder Cancer Awareness month in May 2024 is a chance for us to do exactly that.

Explore the impact of bladder cancer in different countries in an interactive global map by visiting the Bladder Cancer Digital World Tour. 

Campaign theme for 2024 – Challenging uncertainty around bladder cancer symptoms

We’re thrilled to introduce a new initiative for this year’s campaign: an engaging online game called Spot the Drop!”

This game connects seeing red to taking action by challenging your reaction time. But there’s more than just fun and games: “Spot the Drop” emphasises the importance of early detection and prompt medical attention if symptoms arise, highlighting how prompt action directly impacts early diagnosis and survival rates.

Even after the end of the Awareness Month, we invite you to play the game, share it with your community, and help spread awareness about the importance of early detection.

Additionally, this year we once again said:

‘Feeling unsure? Get checked.

One of the obstacles to timely diagnosis of bladder cancer is related to the symptoms. Both symptoms and how people respond to them can vary, especially as some of the symptoms are not immediately seen as linked to bladder cancer. The discovery of blood in the urine, painful urination, and irregular urination can all be mistaken for other conditions, causing bladder cancer to be overlooked.

During Bladder Cancer Awareness Month 2024, we sparked conversations to raise awareness about bladder cancer by highlighting the symptoms of bladder cancer and overcoming any barriers to seeking medical advice.

The “Unsure Icon” we introduced in 2023 remains centre-stage. The Unsure Icon was especially designed to be seen in different ways, just like the symptoms of bladder cancer. The range of reactions allows us to drive conversations and highlight the mis-diagnosis of symptoms to all audiences. Learn more about The Unsure Icon here.

Bladder Cancer Awareness Month

new cases diagnosed
& approximately
deaths in 2020

Bladder Cancer is the
most common cancer

60% of cases
50% of deaths occur in less developed countries

How can you get involved?

There were a number of different ways that people participated in and supported the bladder cancer awareness month campaign and helped us raise awareness about bladder cancer. We encouraged people to:


WBCPC newsletter


Social media

Our members activities


Bladder Cancer Awareness Australia

Visit page


BEAT Bladder Cancer Australia

Visit page



Visit page


Bladder Cancer Canada

Visit page


Cancer Vessie France – Les Zuros

Visit page


Associazione PaLiNUro

Visit page


Norwegian Bladder Cancer Society

Visit page

South Africa

Campaign 4 Cancer

Visit page


Swedish Bladder Cancer Society

Visit page


Singapore Cancer Society

Visit page


Bladder Cancer Norway

Visit page


Patient Association for Bladder or Kidney Cancer

Visit page

United Kingdom

Fight Bladder Cancer

Visit page