20 February 2024. NEWS, Raising Awareness

Amit’s bladder cancer journey

Amit shares his bladder cancer journey, which highlights the impact of bladder cancer and the need for greater awareness around the world.

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14 February 2024. NEWS, Raising Awareness

GLOBOCAN 2022: Bladder cancer 9th most common worldwide

The IARC estimates that 614,298 people were diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2022, placing bladder cancer as the 9th most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world.

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4 February 2024. NEWS, Raising Awareness

Close the Care Gap – opportunities to improve bladder cancer care

On World Cancer Day, look at Global Bladder Cancer Patient & Carer Survey results which reveal gaps in bladder cancer patient care experience around the world.

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30 January 2024. Building Community, NEWS

Malawi’s Judith Foundation joins the WBCPC community

WBCPC welcomes a new member organisation to our international coalition – Judith Foundation. Since 2010, their mission is to empower vulnerable groups and raise awareness about bladder and cervical cancer in Malawi.

The everyday realities in limited-resource setting require unique approaches to public health challenges such as bladder cancer. We look forward to working together with local community to raise bladder cancer awareness, and increase the capacities for patient education, information and support to bladder cancer patients and their families in Malawi.
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27 January 2024. Engaging in Advocacy, EVENTS, Raising Awareness

WBCPC Patient survey findings at ASCO GU Symposium in San Francisco

Global Bladder Cancer Patient & Carer Survey poster showcases key findings at ASCO Genitourinary Cancers Symposium 2024.

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26 January 2024. Engaging in Advocacy, EVENTS

WBCPC brings patient perspective to Community Advisory Board of EU funded project

Exploring advanced cancer care and patient needs at the PRIME-ROSE meeting, WBCPC brought bladder cancer patient perspective to the Community Advisory Board.

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21 January 2024. EVENTS, Raising Awareness

Get involved during World Cancer Day

Find out how you can get involved for World Cancer Day and play your part in creating a cancer-free world.

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19 January 2024. Engaging in Advocacy, EVENTS

WBCPC shares patient-led research expertise at WECAN EBA Workshop

The Global Bladder Cancer Patient & Carer Survey served as an example of practical learning and inspiration for cancer patient advocates.

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17 January 2024. NEWS, Raising Awareness

Setting WBCPC work priorities for 2024

Hear from the WBCPC team discussing the organisation’s priorities for the year.

We are looking ahead with excitement and aspiration for impactful activities this year. We place a strong focus on this year on growing and strengthening our coalition by welcoming new organisations, empowering, and supporting people affected by bladder cancer in starting bladder cancer patient support groups in their communities and continue fostering a diverse community of bladder cancer patient advocates ensuring every voice is heard.
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15 January 2024. Building Community, NEWS

Karen’s bladder cancer journey

Karen shares her bladder cancer journey, which highlights the impact of bladder cancer and the need for greater awareness around the world.

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