2 febrero 2021 .Global , Virtual event
EVENTOS, Involucrarse en la defensa

REGISTRO: Evento virtual de Global Cancer Coalition Network sobre el impacto de la COVID-19

<h2><strong>Mark Your Calendar: Coalition Connection: COVID-19 on 4 February</strong></h2>

<h2><strong>6:30am PST/ 9:30am EST/ 2:30pm GMT/ 3:30pm CET</strong></h2>

Formed in the wake of COVID-19, the Global Cancer Coalition Network (GCCN) is a collaboration of nine global cancer coalitions and alliances, representing 750 patient organisations working on behalf of 14 million cancer patients around the world.

On World Cancer Day, 4 February 2021, we invite you to join members of the cancer community from around the world at GCCN’s first<strong> Coalition Connection </strong>event, an interactive session that will examine the effects of COVID-19 and the innovative strategies patient advocacy organisations have employed in the wake of this global health crisis.

«Our first GCCN's virtual event is an opportunity to learn from each other, inspire and share best practices patient advocacy organisations have employed in light of COVID-19 pandemic to continue providing vital services to people affected by cancer.

Alex Filicevas, Executive Director, World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition

The virtual event will feature a combination of keynote speakers and panel discussions highlighting:


  <li><strong>On the ground data</strong>: The results of GCCN’s latest survey of patient organisations revealing the impact of COVID-19 on the global cancer community</li>

  <li><strong>Consequences of isolation:</strong> The psychosocial impact of pandemic-related isolation on cancer patients, carers, patient organisations, and healthcare professionals</li>

  <li><strong>New communication methods:</strong> The value and drawbacks of new and innovative communication approaches which have developed during the COVID-19 crisis to support patients</li>


By working together as one and sharing of best practices, the global cancer community can improve the lives of people affected by cancer during the pandemic and beyond.

You may register here: <a href=”https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/coalition-connection-covid-19-registration-133258272079″>Coalition Connection: COVID-19 Registration, Thu, 4 Feb 2021 at 9:30 AM | Eventbrite</a>

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