Together for people affected by bladder cancer

Patient data

Explore the findings from a global survey

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Patient information

Important information for bladder cancer patients, carers, and families

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Patient Forum 2024

Explore the agenda and register today

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Global Cancer Coalitions Network Annual Meeting

WBCPC joined GCCN Annual Meeting 2024, sharing patient advocacy insights to strengthen patient outcomes globally.

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Johnstone: Overcoming cancer one spin class at a time

During the Olympic Games, we invite you to discover Johnstone’s journey from dedicated spin cyclist to cancer survivor, showcasing the power of perseverance and physical fitness

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Annual IBCG Retreat shaping global bladder cancer care

WBCPC joined the IBCG Retreat 2024, contributing patient advocacy perspectives to the development of recommendations for bladder cancer care.

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We represent 15 member patient organisations from 12 different countries.

Our Organisation

Bladder cancer data

Explore our bladder cancer Digital World Tour map.

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Our network

We connect and work with people around the world to improve outcomes for bladder cancer patients.

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